F9 After Effects

Once your animation has rendered out import both the z depth and the original animation into your comp in After Effects (along with your stock footage). Once this is done, 3D track or 2D depending on your shot, stuff your tracking data inside a null object. Stick your Z pass over the stock footage, then parent the tracking data (null object) to the render, z depth, and the stock footage. Color correct your stock footage, to match the scene’s lighting. Then add an exposure effect, on the z pass duplicate it, then add some exposure (on the first one) to gain some contrast to the z pass. Then change the track matte mode on the stock footage to ‘luma matte inverted’. This will stick your stock footage in the middle of your render. If you go back to the z depth pass and play around with the first exposure effect you can adjust on to where the stock footage will be in your render.

Select a keyframe in the timeline and press F9 If F9 does not work check your System PreferencesKeyboard and make sure you don't have F9 assigned to another shortcut. Also check After EffectsPreferencesGeneral and make sure Use System Shortcut keys is selected. If none of that works tell us or show us how your system shortcuts are set up. F9 If you’ve taken Animation Bootcamp you know that 99.9% of the time After Effect’s default linear keyframes are the Hallmark of bad animation.

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F9 After Effects Project

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Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:CorelDRW.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:4fff8c8c
Fault Module Name:clr.dll
Fault Module Version:4.0.30319.261
Fault Module Timestamp:4ec9f666
Exception 80131506
Exception Offset:000000000040b383
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:7177
Additional Information 1:6d4f
Additional Information 2:6d4fcafc156cca63b72c0a4deac1b33d
Additional Information 3:844e
Additional Information 4:844ec7b1bf08d736261a9cce2c2795aa

Photoshop :: CS3 Has Stopped Working

F9 After Effects

Feb 23, 2009

Tecla F9 En After Effects

I get an error message from windows vista premiumm home.
It just says: Adobe Photoshop CS3 has stopped working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. The only option is a box that says 'close program'. Once you close it everything goes away. It doesn't even give you a hint of what the problem could be. I installed creative suite 3 web premium on this brand new computer about 2 weeks ago. This is a first time install of this software, but when I called Adobe they said they don't offer free installation help anymore on cs3 because cs4 is out now. Anyone have a clue what I should do? I can't just uninstall photoshop, if I try it wants to uninstall all 8 programs.