
F diffusion

Fm Differentiation

I really like apples FileMerge tool for comparing files but you can sometimes get problems when diffing files which are UTF-8. In fact when you have non-ascii characters, with eg umlauts or graves, etc the diff will look like it has garbage in it. For background see this hint at Mac OSX Hints for a bit of background on this. Basically to make sure FileMerge does a nice diff on files which are UTF-8 encoded you need to set the extended attribute to be ‘UTF-8;134217984‘, and then your diffs will work correctly. I needed to solve this exact problem for MacHg. Thus a general diff script for whatever revision system which uses FileMerge should set this attribute correctly. Ie if you are using, git, subvbersion, Mercurial, bazzar, or anything else likely the script for diffing should be setting the text-encdoing extended attribute.

Diff Macos

The main objecti ve of FMDiff is to automate the extraction. Of changes occurring on the Linux FM and classify those. Changes according to the scheme presented in the pre vious. We establish that FMDiff provides a comprehensive view of feature changes and show that the collected data contains promising information regarding the Linux feature model evolution. Preprint accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software intensive Systems, VaMoS 2014. FMDiff to compare the evolution of those different models and answer the following research question: RQ2: To what extent does a feature change affect all architecture-specific feature models of the Linux kernel? Our data show that the different architecture feature models follow very different evolution paths and that between 10 and 50% of. Linear Blue provides fmDataGuard and SyncDek just for this purpose, and does a very nice job. (SyncDek is great for and requires FileMaker Server; fmDataguard is great for standalone databases and small server deployments.) Nightwing's solution is clever and hooks up very similarly to fmDataGuard, but I think fmDataGuard is more robust.

It can be done by adding the following script somewhere on your unix path Eg unzip and move this bash script to ~/bin/ (assuming this is on your $PATH). This is a typical filemaker diff script as you can find floating around, eg here. However the important part of this script is at the end where we have:This snipped of code above in the script ensures that the extended attribute is set on each of the files before they are diffed using apple’s opendiff which in turn calls FileMerge.

Fm Differentiator

After is installed you can simply call fmdiff in exactly the same way as opendiff. Eg: