To make links between your Markdown files just use a relative path to the other Markdown file. The configuration you copy pasted in your config.yml provides a plugin to convert those URLs. So your Markdown files will have correct links both in Github and Github Pages. The index page of your website can be a file or a file. Create a readable stream from path and pipe to markdown-pdf. Path can be a single path or array of paths. From.string(string) Create a readable stream from string and pipe to markdown-pdf. String can be a single string or array of strings. Concat.from.paths(paths, opts) Create and concatenate readable streams from paths and pipe to markdown-pdf. I made a Chrome extension that does just this: GitHub Markdown Printer. It's a one-click solution for printing markdown files exactly how they appear on GitHub. Steps: Install the Chrome extension; Go to any page on GitHub/GitHub Enterprise with a markdown preview; Click the GMP icon to open the print dialog and either print or save as PDF. Overview of all pages with the tag #Markdown, such as: Markdown all the way.
- Pandoc Github Flavored Markdown To Pdf
- Github Markdown To Pdf
- Github Markdown To Pdf Online
- Github Action Convert Markdown To Pdf
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Pandoc Github Flavored Markdown To Pdf
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Github Markdown To Pdf
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