Sudoku Susser

The Sudoku Susser is Tipware The Susser is provided to you at no charge, totally uncrippled. Should you choose to do so, you can “tip” your humble author, paying him what you think the program is worth - to you! You decide whether you want to tip, and how much you want to tip. The Susser represents over 9 months of work, several hours a day. Sudoku April 18, 2021. About New York Times Games. Times games have captivated solvers since the launch of the Crossword in 1942. Our experts create engaging word and visual games — in 2014 we. The online sudoku player enables you to play puzzles from the 7Sudoku website or to enter your own. You can also save the progress you have made with one puzzle, save it, work on a new puzzle and later continue to play the first one from where you left off. To load a new puzzle press the 'Load puzzle' button on the top right of the application. Sudoku Susser is a free program that helps solve Sudoku puzzles. In addition to being more convenient than pencil-and-paper, the Susser also can show hints, solve the problem step-by-step using. A comprehensive Sudoku assistant and master-level solver with Hints mode that shows you what numbers are legal for unsolved squares. The Deducer uses human-style reasoning to solve the puzzles.

Robert Woodhead
9.3 MB
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Sudoku Susser 2.5.8
Sudoku Susser is a comprehensive Sudoku assistant and master-level solver.
Hints mode shows you what numbers are legal for the remaining squares. The Deducer uses human-style reasoning to solve the puzzles and can take you step-by-step through their solution with detailed explanations of each step. The brute-force Recurse option solves all puzzles. And tons of hilighting modes help you see the patterns in the puzzles.
You can even drag puzzles right off the web-pages of major UK newspapers into the application, then edit, save and print them for offline fun.
Version 2.5.8:
• Bug fix in 2.5.6 caused paste of text puzzles to sometimes fail if a log panel had the focus; this has been fixed.
• Relaxed a restriction in the Consequence Trees hilighters that caused it to sometimes miss contradictions that had a common 'trunk' path. While it's arguable that this restriction is reasonable (and I'll argue it), it's pedantic, unhelpful to the user, and sometimes caused the hilighter to report a verity that, while it had correct implications (and wouldn't steer you wrong), wasn't a 'real' verity. Kudos to Setemkia (Fawn) Falling Tree for noticing this.
Universal Binary (PPC/Intel)
Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later
Sudoku Susser

Richard Fowell(10/16/2006 - version 2.5.4)
Susser is an insanely great Sudoku helper/solver program. Susser will give you as much or as little help as you like - from just acting as a computerized whiteboard for you to solve, to providing a full step by step annotated logic-based solution or a milliseconds-fast brute force solution. Susser has a built-in optical character recognition software so that you can drag 'n drop a graphical Sudoku puzzle from a web page such as into Susser, and Susser will read it. Much of the 98 page manual is devoted to teaching you the dozen or so Sudoku solving strategies Susser knows.
rafowell(7/17/2005 - version 1.1.8)
Well done, includes great discussion of Sudoku strategy, and can grab Sudoku files by ftp, as text, and even by drag 'n dropping the web graphics! Also can solve even very tough puzzles, and will explain step by step how it did so. Makes nice printouts, too.

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The online sudoku player enables you to play puzzles from the 7Sudoku website or to enter your own. You can also save the progress you have made with one puzzle, save it, work on a new puzzle and later continue to play the first one from where you left off.

To load a new puzzle press the 'Load puzzle' button on the top right of the application. You are presented with the load panel, where you can select the puzzle you want to start playing:

The new puzzle that you load replaces the one that you were playing previously, unless you have saved it (see below).

Loading a new puzzle from the 7Sudoku website

Sudoku Susser

Select a puzzle from the drop-down list at the top of the panel. The drop-down presents you the last 30 daily puzzles published on the website. The difficulty level is indicated in parenthesis next to the publication date. Scroll down the list to see the oldest ones.

The Load button under the drop-down remains disabled until you have made a selection. After you have made your selection, press the Load button to load it into the player

Sudoku Susser Download

Importing a new puzzle in string format

Sudoku susser windows

Sudoku Susser

Sudoku puzzles can be summarized as sequences of 81 numbers from 0 (or '.') to 9. The zeroes (or dots) represent the empty cells. The other numbers represent the givens. To create the sequence simply chain all rows starting from the top, replacing the empty cells with zeroes. You can find puzzles expressed this way in other sudoku websites or, with some patience, create your own.

To import such puzzles, paste the string into the text field labeled 'Puzzle string' and press the 'Load' button below it.

Sudoku Susser Mac

The puzzle is loaded and displayed.

Here are a few examples of puzzles in string format for you to try:

  • 000079065000003002005060093340050106000000000608020059950010600700600000820390000 ()
  • ... ()
  • 102004070000902800009003004000240006000107000400068000200800700007501000080400109 ()
  • ..6...94.9.....3....4.92...6.7.1.. ()
  • 002008050000040070480072000008000031600080005570000600000960048090020000030800900 ()
  • ...16..2...2...8.5..5..36.9....5.18...........96.7....1.89..3..4.9...7...5..16... ()

Sudoku Susser Windows

Sudoku Susser

Playing a puzzle that you previously saved

Sudoku Susser Windows

With the online sudoku player you can save your puzzles as you progress toward the solution (see Saving puzzles).

To reload a puzzle, select it from the drop-down list at the bottom of the panel, then press the 'Load' button: The partially completed puzzle is loaded along with your pencil marks.