iLearn now offers a new way to access the powerful, effective mathematics content. It’s vBook!

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What is vBook?
vBook, or virtual Book, is a reimagining of the original and sole mission of iLearn: to provide the highest quality, most convenient, and most effective education tools to increase student achievement in mathematics. In simplest terms, vBook is easy-access iPASS.With the innovation of technology, we’ve grown accustom to eBook, eLearning, and, well, e-everything. But, there’s always been one problem with these e-solutions: they’re just digital copies of what was in paper form. vBook is not a digital copy of a book. It is an interactive, virtual learning program with unparalleled flexibility.
vBook offers the same high quality, effective iPASS lessons in a student-choice model. This means you can direct your students to select and learn specific topics or lessons with no assigning, no management and no hassle… just learning.
What can vBook Do?
We at iLearn enjoy hearing from teachers how much students love mastering new concepts in iPASS and the amazing benefits it has provided to their students. We also love hearing feedback from our teachers about what they need in their classrooms.Some teachers want more flexibility in their classes, and to have students learn what they need when they need it. We developed MyQ to give teachers the ability to digitally assign content. We developed vBook to give teachers even more flexibility in the classroom with less work.
Use vBook in traditional, intervention, hybrid, flipped, blended learning or any other classroom setup. Verbally assign topics, lessons, or groups of lessons for classwork, homework, review, or test prep at any time. If a student is struggling with a topic, give them more support in vBook with additional instruction, practice and review available 24 hours a day. Want your MyQ students to tackle something else when they’ve completed their MyQ assignment, given them a vBook topic to learn. Want your iPASS students to learn grade level content before the end of the year, give them all topics at grade level. Use the vBook reports to verify completion and mastery scores.
In short, vBook offers a broad range of possibilities for flexible teaching and learning, that won’t bog you down in grading and other administrative details.
What does it Cover?
vBook covers math topics from 1st grade up to Algebra III (Pre-Calculus). All lessons and chapters offered in iPASS (and some that are not) are available to you and your students in vBook.Vbook V1 Os
Who has access to vBook?
If your school or district purchased a plan including vBook, all district and school administrators, teachers, and students will have access to vBook. You’ll see it when you log in at Just click the button for vBook. If it is not active and you are interested, please get in touch.